Remastered Webinar: Harnessing the power of NoSQL in Spring Data

February 27, 2013

Nov 29th, 2012 Webinar: Harnessing the power of NoSQL in Spring Data Speaker: Mark Pollack The relational database is no longer the only game in town. The proliferation of alternative style, NoSQL databases have emerged in recent years to specifically solve data access problems that relational databases can't handle as effectively. One such example is the problem of scale; the relational database wasn't designed to scale to hundreds of terabytes. However, enterprises are increasingly storing and analyzing more data beyond that scale. Data that used to 'spill on the floor', such as events in web browsers, are being stored and analyzed to provide significant bottom-line benefits to the enterprise. The relational data model is not used in these new databases; instead data models such as document, column-family, and graph are used. Spring has a long history of simplifying the development of writing RDBMS-based applications. The Spring Data project helps developers in writing NoSQL-based applications across a wide range of these new technologies. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the NoSQL database landscape and show how the Spring Data family of projects can make it easier to work with NoSQL databases while retaining database-specific features and capabilities.

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