Simplicity Itself - The Business Benefits of Microservices (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

July 4, 2014

Business track breakout session presented by Russ Miles, Chief Scientist, Simplicity Itself. On the Origin of Services by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Features in the Struggle for Life: The Business Benefits of Microservices with Cloud Foundry.

Pivotal - Keep Calm and Ship Services (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Pivotal - Keep Calm and Ship Services (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

Technical track breakout session presented by Chris Brown, Pivotal; Tammer Saleh, Director of Product, Clou...

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Basho - Future Data Platforms and PaaS Services (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Basho - Future Data Platforms and PaaS Services (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

Business track breakout session presented by Dave McCrory, CTO, Basho.