Deliver Your Service on TKGI

October 11, 2019

Pivotal Container Service (PKS) provides a great opportunity for software vendors to deliver their Kubernetes-deployed services on Pivotal Platform. However, the broad and quickly changing Kubernetes ecosystem leaves software vendors with a lot of questions about delivery: Learn more: Do I need more than a Kubernetes deployment manifest? Should I use Helm? What does the Operator pattern give me? Do I need a Service Broker? Can I just publish to Docker Hub or some other registry? How can I deliver to air-gapped or highly regulated environments? In this talk, we'll describe patterns and best practices for delivering your Kubernetes offering on Pivotal Platform. Whether you’re an independent software vendor, an in-house service developer, or just interested in learning more about the Kubernetes ecosystem, we promise to deliver! Speaker: Mikey Boldt, Platform Engineer, Pivotal Filmed at SpringOne Platform 2019 Slideshare:

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