Extending Cloud Foundry to .NET (Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference 2013)

October 4, 2013

Keynote presented by Jared Wray, Founder & CTO, Tier 3. Adding an entirely new platform to the Cloud Foundry ecosystem is a daunting development challenge. This session will dive into how support for .NET was added to Cloud Foundry with Iron Foundry, an open source project. In particular, support for Cloud Foundry V2 will be discussed.

Continuous Delivery with Cloud Foundry (Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference 2013)
Continuous Delivery with Cloud Foundry (Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference 2013)

Keynote presented by Andrew Crump, CTO, CloudCredo. Cloud Foundry dramatically simplifies the work necessa...

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Operating Cloud Foundry on vSphere (Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference 2013)
Operating Cloud Foundry on vSphere (Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference 2013)

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