Distributed Tracing : Latency Analysis for Your Microservices - Grzejszczak, Krishna

December 14, 2017

Microservices are becoming increasingly popular. When a request spreads across several services, it quickly becomes challenging to analyse latency especially in real time. In this talk we will present an overview of the new features introduced in the latest Spring Cloud Sleuth release trains that helps you with latency analysis. We will cover recent additions and improvements including annotation based span creation and continuation, span adjusting. We will then describe how to incorporate these features into an existing Spring Boot application so as to enable latency analysis of your microservices architecture. Additionally we will deploy the application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry and will demonstrate how to do latency analysis out of the box with the help of PCF metrics and Spring Cloud Sleuth. By the end, you should feel empowered to add latency analysis into your microservices architecture. Marcin Grzejszczak, Developer, Pivotal Reshmi Krishna, Senior Cloud Application & Platform Architect Pivotal Filmed at SpringOne Platform 2017

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