Practical Microservices, Practical Whiskey

December 14, 2017
SpringOne Platform 2017 Jonathan Schabowsky, Solace "Microservices may be small in size, but they have huge potential, especially when you pair them with the idea of event-driven architecture (EDA). Today developers are using microservices as the building blocks behind all kinds of cloud and enterprise applications, but most still think microservices = REST, which limits you to polling/reactive interactions. Using a demo featuring Spring and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (and whiskey), this session will explain why a microservices architecture could be further enhanced by becoming event-driven and how using asynchronous messaging allows easy and flexible scaling and independent deployment. After all, life is event-driven. And your microservices should be as well."
Practical Microservices, Practical Whiskey - Jonathan Schabowsky, Solace
Practical Microservices, Practical Whiskey - Jonathan Schabowsky, Solace

Microservices may be small in size, but they have huge potential, especially when you pair them with the id...

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