Testing with Spring 4.3, JUnit 5, and Beyond...

August 9, 2016
SpringOne Platform 2016 Speaker: Sam Brannen; Co-Founder, Swiftmind Curious about what's new in Spring's testing support in 4.3 or what's on the horizon in Spring 5 and JUnit 5? Then join Sam Brannen, Spring Test component lead and JUnit 5 core committer, to find out! The first part of this session will give attendees an overview of the latest core integration testing improvements in Spring 4.3 such as the new SpringRunner alias for the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, the omission of @ContextConfiguration when it can be inferred, support for @Sql and @SqlGroup as composed annotations, limiting the context cache size within a test suite, and the new ContextCustomizer API for customizing a test's ApplicationContext. The next part will cover recent improvements in Spring MVC Test such as server-side testing support for expectations on response headers, form data processing, JSON prefixes in response content, custom HTTP verbs, and verifying that a specific controller method was invoked as well as client-side REST testing support for indicating how many times a request is expected and expectations for form data in the request body. The focus will then shift to what kinds of testing features to expect in Spring 5.0. And last, but certainly not least, Sam will dive into live examples using Spring's upcoming support for JUnit 5 for modern testing on Java 8 and beyond.
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