Developer Experience with Spring Cloud

October 1, 2015
Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenters: Spencer Gibb & Dave Syer Cloud Native Track So you've decided to go cloud native. You've got a number of microservices that your company builds and runs. They interact with each other in various ways. You've got testing and staging and production environments that may have taken a lot of effort to get right. How does an individual developer work on just one of those services without stomping on other developers using a shared environment? In this session we will explore a range of options for development, starting with deploying everything locally, through stubbing, to local development solution that allows a developer to run their service in their IDE and have the whole system interact on their local machine!
Documenting RESTful APIs
Documenting RESTful APIs

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Andy Wilkinson Web / Javascript Track An API's documentation is a...

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Microservice Architecture with Grails 3
Microservice Architecture with Grails 3

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Jeff Scott Brown GG Special Topics Trasck For some web applicatio...