The Developer Experience

October 9, 2015
This workshop takes the developer through a hands-on 'day in the life of' experience of interacting with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) on CenturyLink Cloud: - Target My Pivotal Cloud Foundry Provider - walkthrough of CenturyLink registration, download of CF CLI, target/login into PCF instance - Walk Through the AppsManager – high level description of layout and functionality of dev console. - Push My App - push the PCF-demo application, high-level talk through of app push/stage/deploy - Bind My App to Backing Services - bind PCF Demo to a RabbitMQ service, high-level talk through of service creation/binding, explanation of VCAP_SERVICES and Spring Cloud Connectors for service binding - Scale My App - scale up, scale down, high-level talk through of dynamic routing - Monitor My App’s Logs - tail app logs, high-level discussion of loggregator - Monitor My App’s Health - hit the “kill switch” in PCF-demo, watch the events in the logs, show cf events, watch the app restart, high-level talk through of health manager
Architecture & Operations
Architecture & Operations

The primary goals of this presentation are to: - Show how to easily deploy Pivotal Cloud Foundry to Centur...

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