Challenges in Migrating Legacy .NET Apps into PCF - Krystian Czepiel, Grape UP

April 27, 2018

Challenges in Migrating Legacy .NET Apps into PCF - Krystian Czepiel, Grape UP 12 years old .net framework application migrated to pivotal cloud foundry? Yeah, why not? The main idea for this talk is to show the audience how we created fully automated continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines using concourse and PCF for legacy .net application. We will go through all big choices that we had to make at the beginning and all challenges that we faced while working on that project. We start off by briefly describing migration requirements and preconditions. In the main part of the presentation, we focus on work that needs to be done to setup pipeline. In this part, we discuss the following topics: · Toolset decision (TFS vs Concourse) · Build process · Integration environment deploy · Acceptance tests execution · Package delivery You will be left with a ready solution for most common issues and choices that you will have to make during your own migration process. About Krystian Czepiel Krystian, a .NET Cloud Native Team Leader at Grape Up enthusiastic about the cloud and .NET technologies. By utilizing the latest solutions such as Cloud Foundry, he works in collaboration with clients and business partners on software development projects.

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