Bringing Microservices to .NET: Modernizing Windows Applications as Cloud-Native

July 19, 2018
Building a new application with the latest and greatest methodologies and frameworks? Sounds like fun! Modernizing the legacy .NET applications that have been driving your business for years? Sounds…painful. Fortunately, a number of new technologies have emerged for the .NET ecosystem to support cloud-native .NET applications, and the processes for analyzing and modernizing them have matured. In this webinar, join Magenic's Robert Sirchia and Pivotal's Chris Umbel to learn about modernizing .NET applications from a legacy Windows environment. The session will cover topics like: - How can I determine which .NET applications from my portfolio to modernize? - How do I decompose a monolithic .NET application into logical business domains? - Which technologies, like Steeltoe, are available to adopt modern microservices architectures for .NET applications? - How do I analyze the cloud-suitability of a portfolio of applications and prioritize it for modernization? Presenters : Robert Sirchia, Magenic and Chris Umbel, Pivotal
Microsoft's Channel9 Interviews Steeltoe Team
Microsoft's Channel9 Interviews Steeltoe Team

Dave Tillman and Zach Brown (@moredeploys) join us in this episode to talk about the SteelToe(@SteeltoeOSS)...

October 30, 2018 .NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp | Minneapolis
October 30, 2018 .NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp | Minneapolis

Modernizing .NET Applications

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