Kubernetes for the Spring Developer

December 19, 2017
SpringOne Platform 2017 Meaghan Kjelland, Google This talk is aimed at people who are curious about using Kubernetes and want an overview of how it works. Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system, developed by Google. It deploys, scales and manages containerized applications. We’ll talk about the fundamental building blocks of a Kubernetes cluster, the architecture of the system, and the problems that it can solve. Then we’ll deploy and scale a Spring Boot application using Kubernetes.
Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR) & Production Kubernetes
Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR) & Production Kubernetes

Lightning Talk by Merlin Glynn at SpringOne Platform 2017

Next Presentation
PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes
PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes

SpringOne Platform 2017 Cornelia Davis, Pivotal; Fred Melo, Pivotal Because of its well thought out and po...