#automateALLtheTHINGS: From Ops Manager GUI to Automating Deployments and Reporting with Concourse

October 16, 2018

#automateALLtheTHINGS: From Ops Manager GUI to Automating Deployments and Reporting with Concourse - Onno Brouwer, Rijkswaterstaat In this session Onno will share the experiences and lessons learned from operating PCF since its initial deployment in December 2015. He will show you how the Operations Team changed its mode of operation from manually performing upgrades using the Ops Manager GUI into fully automated upgrades incorporating the PCF and BBR pipelines. But keeping the platform up to date is only half the story. Onno moves on to show how they keep themselves and their customers informed about the state of the platform and its applications. https://cfseu18.sched.com/event/FRzG/automateallthethings-from-ops-manager-gui-to-automating-deployments-and-reporting-with-concourse-onno-brouwer-rijkswaterstaat

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