Your Server has "participated in a very large-scale attack"

April 20, 2014 Brian Cunnie

In this blog post we configure an NTP (network time protocol) server on a FreeBSD-based Hetzner virtual machine and register it with the NTP Pool Project. This is the third installment of a series of blog posts.

The “very large-scale attack”

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2014 I received the following email from Hetzner, my ISP:

Subject: Abuse Message [AbuseID:0EE497:1B]: AbuseNormal: Exploitable NTP server used for an attack:

Dear Brian Cunnie,

A public NTP server on your network, running on IP address and
UDP port 123, participated in a very large-scale attack against a customer of ours today, generating UDP responses to spoofed “monlist” requests that claimed to be from the attack target.

[highlights mine] What had happened? I had enabled ntpd without first securing it, inadvertently allowing a hacker to use my machine to amplify an attack on his target. Lesson learned: don’t enable an ntpd server unless it has been secured (note: enabling an ntpd client [1] should not pose a security risk).

We’ll discuss how to set up an ntp server in a secure manner. We’ll cover the following:

  1. Determine the upstream servers
  2. Configure, enable, and start ntpd
  3. Check: are all upstream servers functioning?
  4. Register with the NTP Pool Project
  5. How much bandwidth will it cost? 154 kbps, $2.99 / month
  6. Can we run NTP in a virtual machine?
  7. What are the NTP Vulnerabilities?

Determine Upstream NTP servers

We need to do the following:

  • Pick four upstream NTP servers ( recommends “configuring no less than 4 and no more than 7 servers”).
  • Choose Stratum 2 servers because there are plenty of them and they’re not as overwhelmed as Stratum 1 servers (we don’t need the µ-second accuracy of a Stratum 1 server—we’re not a lab and we’re not running on bare-iron).
  • Hand-pick our servers because we’ll be adding our server to the NTP Pool Project, and that’s what they recommend (i.e., “Don’t use * servers”).

This page lists open stratum 2 servers. We choose four German servers (ISO code “DE”) because our server is located in Germany.

Here are the ones we pick:

  • stratum2-3.NTP.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE

Configure, Enable, and Start ntpd

We edit the ntpd configuration file, /etc/ntp.conf. We make the following changes:

  • comment-out the default servers
  • add our hand-picked servers
  • comment-out the [appropriately restrictive] default permissions
  • add permissions that allow other machines to use our server as a time source
sudo vim /etc/ntp.conf

Add the following lines (after commenting-out any line that begins with “server”):

# Hetzner-located server, IPv6
server iburst
# A different Hetzner-located server, IPv6
server iburst
# A different Hetzner server
server iburst
# A University server, IPv4
server stratum2-3.NTP.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE iburst

Note: the iburst directive allows our clock to synchronize more quickly with the upstream clocks.

We also restrict who can access our server. In general, we allow access to the clock but little else unless the query is coming from ourselves (i.e. from localhost), in which case we allow everything (we need to be able to diagnose our own ntp server).

We continue to edit /etc/ntp.conf (after commenting out any line that begins with “restrict”). We add the following lines (the first two lines are the default permissions and are very restrictive; the last two lines are the permissions for queries originating from ourself and are very permissive):

restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict mask
restrict -6 ::1

Note: the noquery directive is the directive that prevents rogue packets from leveraging our ntp server to attack other machines. Had we configured this initially, we would not have received the email from Hetzner.

Click here to see our current ntp.conf file.

Now that we have configured ntpd in a secure manner, we can configure our server to start ntpd on boot.

sudo vim /etc/rc.conf

We append the following line:


We can start ntpd by rebooting the server, but it is quicker to run its rc script:

sudo /etc/rc.d/ntpd start

Are the Upstream Servers Functioning?

We make sure our upstream servers are functioning. We use the ntpq -p command:

[cunnie@shay /etc/defaults]$ ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 2a01:4f8:141:28   2 u   43   64  177    0.553   -0.021   0.301
+time6.ostseehai    2 u   42   64  177    0.556   -0.029   0.304 .STEP.          16 u    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
*stratum2-3.NTP.    2 u   60   64  177   20.698    5.492   0.187

We see that one of our upstream servers,, is not responding to NTP queries. We choose to replace it with (the IPv4 address of one of our IPv6 servers). Our updated ntp.conf’s server section now looks like this:

# Hetzner-located server, IPv6
server iburst
# A different Hetzner-located server, IPv6
server iburst
# A different Hetzner server, IPv4
server iburst
# A University server, IPv4
server stratum2-3.NTP.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE iburst

We restart our ntpd server:

sudo /etc/rc.d/ntpd restart

And we check our upstream servers again:

[cunnie@shay /etc]$ ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 2a01:4f8:141:28   2 u    1   64    1    1.685   -0.929   0.529
 time6.ostseehai    2 u    -   64    1    0.725   -0.388   0.025
 time.ostseehaie    2 u    1   64    1    0.651   -0.364   0.032
 stratum2-3.NTP.    2 u    -   64    1   20.933    5.215   0.116

We test our server from a third-party machine to make sure that it responds to ntp queries. We run our query from an OS X machine that has the sntp command. We run the date command immediately after to compare the timestamps and make sure that the clock is accurate:

$ sntp; date
2014 Apr 19 12:58:45.709957 -1.26928 +/- 0.035004 secs
Sat Apr 19 12:58:45 PDT 2014

Our server,, is accepting NTP queries and its clock appears to be set correctly.

Register Our Server with the NTP Pool Project

We register our server with the NTP Pool Project in order to give back to the community (i.e. in order to provide a free time server for people who need one).

  1. Click here. We read to make sure we qualify (e.g. we have a static IP).
  2. When you’re ready, click on the link at the bottom of the page
  3. Create a bitcard account
  4. Login
  5. Go here to manage your servers
  6. Click Add a server
  7. We enter our server’s hostname, i.e.

That’s it! We have given back to the community

How much bandwidth will it cost? 154 kbps – 1.78 Mbps, $2.99 – $33.87 / month

The total bandwidth cost of putting a server into the NTP Pool Project can vary by an order of magnitude, but other than two exceptional months, we find that the monthly bandwidth cost is typically negligible (under $5). NTP uses the low-overhead UDP protocol, and clients typically space their queries minutes apart. We measure the bandwidth on one of our servers, and come up with 154 kbps total bandwidth utilization (although during one of the two exceptional months, that number climbed to 1.78 Mbps).

To put that into perspective, my home Internet connection has 50 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload, for a total bandwidth of 60 Mbps. 154 kbps is approximately one quarter of one percent of the total bandwidth (i.e. 0.26%).

We also take that number (154 kbps) and measure it against Amazon’s most expensive Data Transfer Pricing tier ($0.120 / GB) for a worst-case cost analysis. (Note that Amazon only charges for outbound traffic—inbound traffic is free). We find that the incremental cost of providing an NTP server is $2.99 per month.


Our technique to measure the bandwidth was to run tcpdump to capture the NTP traffic to a file, and then measure the size of the file and the amount of time that tcpdump was running:

[cunnie@lana ~]$ sudo time tcpdump -ni em3 -w /tmp/junk.tcp port 123
tcpdump: listening on em3, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
^C10893487 packets captured
18222794 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
    60099.26 real         6.25 user         5.23 sys
[cunnie@lana ~]$ ls -l /tmp/junk.tcp
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1154718900 Apr 20 09:41 /tmp/junk.tcp

Over the course of 60099.26 seconds, 1154718900 bytes of NTP traffic passed through the ethernet port (a combination of both inbound and outbound traffic). The math follows:

  • kbps → kilobits per second
  • kBps → kilobytes per second
  • 1154718900 B (bytes)
  • 60099.26 s (seconds)
  • ( 1154718900 B / 60099.26 s ) = 19213 Bps
  • 19213 Bps × ( 1 kB / 1000 B ) = 19.2 kBps
  • 19.2 kBps × ( 8 b / 1 B ) = 153.6 kbps
  • ($0.120 / GB)
    × (1 GB / 1,000,000 kB)
    × (1 kB / 8 kb)
    × (153.6 kb / 1 s)
    × (3600 s / 1 hr)
    × (24 hr / 1 day)
    × (30 day / 1 month)
    × (1 / 2) = $2.985

We want to bring to attention the final operand, “1 / 2”. That represents Amazon’s policy of charging solely for outbound traffic (inbound is free), for approximately 1/2 the NTP traffic is outbound (the other half is inbound).

And the number of NTP clients (as defined by unique IP address) served? 341,981. The actual number is much more, since many of those IP addresses are firewalls behind which are several computers. Here is the command line to pull those statistics:

sudo tcpdump -n -r /tmp/junk.tcp | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v | sed 's=.[0-9]*$==' | sort | uniq | wc -l

Can we run NTP in a virtual machine?

Can we run ntp in a virtual machine? The short answer is yes, but the official answer from the website is ambivalent:

NTP server was not designed to run inside of a virtual machine. It requires a high resolution system clock, with response times to clock interrupts that are serviced with a high level of accuracy. NTP client is ok to run in some virtualization solutions

Experience shows that NTP server can be run on a virtual machine, scoring a perfect 20 according to the NTP Pool Project, with typical offset within 10 milliseconds of absolute time. In fact, in a statistically-insignificant comparison of 2 virtual NTP servers and 1 bare-iron server, a virtual server achieved the perfect score (i.e. 20.0):

Provider / Network Type (Virtual or Bare Iron) NTP Pool Score (higher is better; 20 is maximum, < 10 warrants removal) Typical Jitter
Hetzner Virtual 20.0 +2ms to +10ms
Amazon AWS Virtual (t1.micro) 13.9 +/- 5ms
Comcast Bare Iron 19.1 +/- 4ms


NTP Pool Charts





  • Hetzner: the jitter is +2ms to +10ms. The jitter is a tighter band than Amazon’s (8ms spread vs. Amazon’s 10ms spread), but red-shifted (to unapologetically borrow an astronomy term), most likely due to cross-Atlantic lag. Surprisingly, the Hetzner server is more available than the Amazon server in spite of its much greater geographic distance from the LA monitoring station.
  • AWS t1.micro: the jitter is within +/- 5ms. Given the close geographic proximity (the monitoring station is in LA and the AWS instance is in Northern California), one would hope it would be better and that there would be few dropped packets (red dots).
  • Comcast: the jitter is is typically +/- 4ms. My home machine, which is in Northern California (can’t blame the distance) and a bare iron machine (can’t blame the hypervisor) is typically +/- 4ms. It should be better than the others, but it isn’t. Perhaps the Comcast network is at fault.

What are the NTP Vulnerabilities?

For the security-minded, here is a list of ntpd’s vulnerabilities. As of this writing, all six of them have been resolved.

1 Enabling an ntpd server should be done with security implications in mind; however, IMHO, enabling an ntpd client does not demand the same level of scrutiny. Attacking an NTP client is much harder:

  1. The damage is often limited to changing the client’s system time (though this may have implications for time-based security protocols (e.g. Kerberos, TOTP)).
  2. Attacking an NTP client requires knowledge of the client’s upstream NTP providers (in order to spoof the packets)
  3. Typical NTP configurations allow for only minor adjustments in the clock (via the adjtime() (most UNIXes) adjtimex() (linux) system calls). In other words, it’s a very small lever that the attacker is trying to access.
  4. Although an attacker can slow down the target’s clock, it cannot set the clock backwards (per the man() page: “Thus, the time is always a monotonically increasing function.”). This makes a replay attack more difficult.
  5. Attacking an NTP client requires access to a second-stage attack vector (in other words, you might adjust its clock by a few seconds, but you still won’t have shell access to the machine.)

Note: There are “pathological” NTP clients. For example, rather than running ntpd, a user may decide to run ntpdate periodically as a cron job. This is ill-advised, for it opens the possibility for drastic adjustments (including time-reversal) to the system’s clock. The only time I have used an ntpdate-cron combination was a particular machine whose system’s clock was so bad that ntpd’s small adjustments were not enough to keep the clock synchronized.


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