Updates to the Pivotal Tracker story redesign

February 16, 2012 Dan Podsedly

Last week, we launched a complete redesign of stories, as part of our ongoing effort to make Tracker easier and more enjoyable to use. We’ve received a great amount of feedback about what’s working well in the new design, as well as what could be improved. As a product team, we’re extremely lucky to have users who time and again have shown such passion – thank you, we really couldn’t do this without you!

The redesign was a big change and involved some significant behind-the-scenes investments for big upcoming features. There were a few bumps after the release, and we’ve rolled out a number of fixes over the last week as well as some design tweaks based on your feedback. See below for the complete list.

Here’s what’s new since last week.

  • You can now navigate through all of the drop-downs and select values with the keyboard.
  • When adding a new story, in addition to being able to move through the story types and point estimates with your left/right cursor, you can also choose values with a single key. Use F/B/C/R for Feature/Bug/Chore/Release, and the number keys to pick an estimate.
  • CTRL + S (or CMD + S on a Mac) now save stories.
  • Enter and escape work everywhere again, to save changes or cancel.
  • The overall visual design has been adjusted to improve contrast and scannability, especially in the top section.
  • There’s now a save button at the top of new stories, for more consistency between creating and editing.
  • We’ve adjusted the gray background to a warmer color.
  • Clicking on a file attachment thumbnail or file name should open the file inline in the browser, at least for most file types. To download a file, use the cogwheel menu next to file attachments.
  • The ‘view all images’ page now shows upload date/times.
  • The Flash-based ‘click-to-copy’ feature for story ID and URL can ow be explicitly disabled on the Profile page, for those having trouble with Flash. When disabled, your stories will show a text field for both story ID and URL, which should auto-select when clicked into for easy copy and paste.
  • Story tasks can once again be disabled in project settings, if you’re not using them.

We’re by no means done, and the design will continue to evolve, and we’re working to improve story manipulation and drag/drop performance, especially on larger projects.

Thanks again for all the feedback!

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