Pivotal Tracker hosting move this Saturday

November 4, 2010 Dan Podsedly

Tracker will be moving to a new hosting environment this weekend. This post contains updated information about this move, and how it will affect you.

The move will occur this Saturday, November 6th, starting at 8:00am PDT. We expect the move to take approximately 6 hours, including testing and site verification. Tracker will be unavailable during this time.

We will be posting updates throughout the move to this blog, as well as to the @pivotaltracker Twitter account.

Pivotal Tracker will be moving to new IP addresses, so if you have any firewall rules related to integrations that access internal resources (for your example your JIRA instance), you will need to update them. Tracker requests will now originate from one of two possible IP addresses: and, on ports 80 and 443. Please add rules to allow requests from these IP addresses in advance of the move this Satuday, in order for your integrations to continue working without interruption.

We’ve set the DNS TTL low leading up to the migration, so we don’t anticipate significant DNS propagation delays. If you are in a place where DNS changes take longer to propagate, however, please keep an eye out for this. We’ll help you with workarounds if the issue persists.

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this hosting move. Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing tracker@pivotallabs.com if you have any questions.

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