Pivotal Tracker GoGaRuCo Haiku Contest Winner!

September 15, 2010 Pivotal Labs

As already tweeted, we have a winner in the Pivotal Tracker GoGaRuCo Haiku contest. It was a tough choice, with lots of awesome submissions. The ultimate call went to Sarah Gray, with her entry below:

Bloom and iterate.
Each story a fragment of
the pivotal whole.

Below are the three runners-up:

Icebox, Backlog, Done
Righteous Fall stories sorted
Tracker guiding flow

Don Smith

Tracker has arrived,
transparency is blooming,
the team uniting.

Gustin Prudner

heisenberg was wrong
I know both where I am and
my velocity

Dav Yaginuma

The runners-up will be receiving a Pivotal Tracker mug. Thanks to everyone who participated!

About the Author


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