Movember Update: Check Out the 'Hawks While the Pivots Involve It

December 1, 2011 Davis W. Frank

We powered through Movember this year with a bigger network, Webstache, and over 80 participants. Pivotal Labs – all four US offices – plus our friends at Square, Sharethrough, and Halogen all grew whiskers and helped raise money to end “dude cancer”.

In 30 days, we met our goal of raising $20,000 for Livestrong and The Prostate Cancer Foundation and then some – the current tally is $23,318.

But that’s not enough. We had Pivots who couldn’t grow mustaches. And Pivots who had mustaches who didn’t want to shave them. What are these Pivots to do?

Someone said, “But a Mohawk is like a mustache…FOR YOUR HEAD.” Then there was much betting and cajoling and smack talk. In the end, Pivotal agreed to donate $500 to Movember for each Pivot that got a mohawk.

Which meant we needed to have Mohawk shaving parties in New York and San Francisco. Pivots in the Boulder and Denver offices, as well as a couple of remote Pivots did the same.

Total: 28 ‘hawks shaved (plus Gregg, the one with the green & purple one-day ‘do merited a half-donation) and another big donation coming to Movember from their friends at Pivotal Labs. We may break $40K before the donations close.

Big thanks to my fellow Pivots for growing, donating, raising, and yes, shaving. And HUGE thanks to Pivotal Labs for tolerating all of this and making the big donation this year.

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