More than 2,000 Developers Attend Cloud Foundry China Open Tour

April 16, 2012 Cloud Foundry

The first two stops of Cloud Foundry Open Tour at Beijing and Shanghai were huge successes! We had about 1000+ developers show up at each city for this one day event. 10 speakers from across the world delivered 15 high quality and deeply technical sessions to attendees.

Open Tour is not only a developers’ grand gathering to learn about Cloud Foundry, it’s also for partner executives and university professors to share their success story on Cloud Foundry, and online media to live broadcast the event and interview speakers.

Developers in China are extremely passionate about Cloud Foundry: attendees showed up at the venue before 7AM (for a conference that starts at 9AM); people were lining up for registration at 7:30AM. This phenomenon has only happened before at the Apple Store. There were developers flying to Beijing and Shanghai from south and west side of China just for this event, and every single session at the conference was standing room only.

Big THANKS to our team of speakers: Charlotte Yarkoni, Mark Lucovsky, Patrick Chanezon, Chris Richardson, Alan Ren, Victor Jieh, Stephen Hu, Bill Sun, Figo Feng and Long Wang from the Cloud Foundry global and China team! Our great appreciation and many thanks to all partner speakers: Lei Cong from Sina App Enginee, Tuoc Luong from SNDA Grand Cloud, and Guoxiong Dai from InGeek Cloud.

Staying ‘Till the End’

No developer left the conference before it was over. We had two keynotes delivered by Mark Lucovsky and Chris Richardson in the morning – Cloud Foundry Technical Overview and Bootcamp. Then the ballroom separated to 3 different breakout sessions for topics about languages and frameworks, cloud databases, and solution partners. The Open Tour is a purely developer conference. All sessions include our partners and are deep dives into the code level (which are developers’ favorite, right?). Our elite speakers and well-designed content are the keys to the success.

The keynotes were full of vision, mission and decorated slides, but most importantly they start from code! Mark’s keynote “Developer Perspective” clearly re-emphasized that the Open Tour is a developer conference. After a quick Cloud Foundry introduction, Mark switched to coding mode, he went through a complicated sample app which leveraged many of the key features of Cloud Foundry. He then shared his thoughts on the producer/consumer pattern, node.JS server, tunneling (“caldecott”), redis, and much more. Chris’ “Cloud Foundry Bootcamp” session led people deeper into Cloud Foundry. Chris used 100+ slides to give a very detailed introduction and demo to help developers with different backgrounds to get started with Cloud Foundry.

In the afternoon, Patrick Chanezon and Chris Richardson hosted the track for programing languages and frameworks. This was the most popular track. “Node.JS Introduction”, “Spring into the Cloud” and “Using Ruby in Cloud Foundry” gave developers a more clear understanding of the power of multi-framework support in Cloud Foundry. Chris, Victor and Long Wang contributed 4 very interesting sessions in the Cloud database track. “SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL? What’s a developer to do?”, “Using MongoDB in Cloud Foundry”, “Data Director” and “GemFire/SQLFire, the RAM DB in Cloud Foundry” gained a lot of attention.

Partner Showtime

Enabling partners and making them successful is an important pillar for Cloud Foundry. It is our great honor to invite three famous public cloud service providers, Sina App Engine, Shanda Grand Cloud & InGeek Cloud, to join the events and announce their partnership with VMware to promote adoption of Cloud Foundry. SINA App Engine (SAE), the largest Open Platform in China with 200,000 developers and 100,000 apps, launched its first Cloud Foundry based Ruby PaaS engine. InGeek, by leveraging the vSphere based IaaS cloud, launched a PaaS cloud with Cloud Foundry and vFabric Data Director integrated via Service Gateway. Three tier-1 universities in China, Tsinghua University, Fudan University & Shanghai Jiaotong University, also joined the event. They have formed partnership with VMware China R&D on university innovation programs to drive Cloud Foundry adoption via course ware, joint lab & EDU-PaaS private cloud.

Interesting Sidelights

A developer conference is about fun, we have some interesting sidelights to share:

Weibo: For some reason, there is no Twitter access in China, but we have SINA Weibo, the China version of Twitter with about 300+ million users. With the help of Google Translate, Mark, Patrick and Chris interacted with their Chinese fans at Weibo. They even registered their own Weibo account to start tweeting and win a lot of followers! Here are the links to their account: @大牛马克 for Mark, @快乐的法国极客 for Patrick and @温文尔雅的程序员大爷 Chris. Patrick’s name means “most joyous French geek”, and Chris’ name means “gentle programmer’s uncle”. Mark’s name means “Big Bull Mark”, the story is at below. These accounts were all getting developers feedback to their sessions.

From Chairman to Big Bull: Mark was famous for his chair story. He didn’t bring his chair for the China trip, but he won a lot of new fans in Beijing and Shanghai. He was surrounded by developers after he finished the keynotes, and people even tried to ask him technical questions in the men’s room! In the Chinese developer community, the “Big Bull” is a kind of respectful title for a distinguished technician or developer, so we made a stone stamp logo (the red one) for Mark and named his Weibo account @大牛马克 (the Big Bull Mark). You will probably soon see this logo in Mark’s email signature.

Li Bai and Cloud: Patrick is a big lover of Chinese ancient poems. He started his node.JS session by quote Li Bai and Wang Wei, the two major Chinese poets of the Tang dynasty. These two sages use poems to describe beautiful clouds over 1200 years ago, but they probably couldn’t imagine that we will quote the poems in today’s Cloud computing era to make the perfect combination of art and technology.

Weibo Feedback

Developers kept track of their feedback to the Could Foundry Open Tour on Weibo, the following are some interesting quotes:

  • Look forward to see the 100% open source of Cloud Foundry, this will provide strong foundation for enterprise to build private cloud; this is the Linux in the Cloud. P.S., love to use MacOS for cloud development, recommend to all UNIX developers. From @乔布斯胡
  • Join the VMware Cloud Foundry event today, get a USB stick, T-shirt and a substantial buffet lunch. The event is good in general, the key advantage of Cloud Foundry is developers can use their familiar programming language and framework to build app, easy to use and config, love it. From @ArKiarX
  • The Cloud Foundry Open Tour is very gelivable, depth technical sessions, great speakers, and a good buffet lunch. From @忘了游泳的鱼ooO
  • The SINA guest speaker mentioned about eco-system, the open source based Cloud Foundry is building and developing the cloud eco-system. From @中国董永乐
  • Learnt quite a lot in Cloud Foundry Open Tour, feel more and more exciting about Cloud! From @奔跑的大兵
  • Patrick is the most joyous speaker of the day, he even trying to access Twitter. From雪中

The Open Tour is continuing across the world

Cloud Foundry Open Tour 2012 is a global series of one day developer events, Beijing and Shanghai are the first two stops. The team is heading to Kiev, Moscow and London. Come join us and feel the power of Cloud Foundry!

-The Cloud Foundry China Team

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