Corporate App Stores Bring Many Benefits

April 18, 2013 Pivotal Labs

If you’re not deploying as many apps as you would like as fast as you would like, you might think about how things would be different if you had your own app store.

Your corporate app store is stocked with apps that are offered, licensed, or maintained by the company. Such app stores give companies control of the corporate apps running on the user’s device while keeping them out of the business of what else might be on that device. We found some of the benefits of corporate app stores delineated in Raj Sabhlok’s recent article on

Corporate app stores save you money by letting you pay just for the apps being used. Further, since users rate apps, it becomes easier to see which ones could be pruned, saving you even more. Just as important, the corporation manages the app store, ensuring that if important security fixes are necessary, they can be quickly applied. Some app stores also provide role-based access to particular apps.

Besides speed of approval and distribution, another issue around app deployment is governance, and corporate app stores, particularly if they are connected with mobile application management platforms, can help with the governance process that surrounds access to mobile apps.

Corporate app stores help manage that access, so they are worth considering.

Most companies feel that they are not deploying as many apps as they would like to as fast as they would like to. There are many incentives to release apps quickly, as companies are beginning to see the productivity benefits that accrue from deploying numerous mobile apps to their employees. As has often happened recently, the consumer market explodes first, followed by the corporate market. Corporate app stores can help manage some of these issues, so they are certainly worthy of consideration.

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