API Versioning

May 31, 2013 Robbie Clutton

How to version an API has been a thoroughly discussed topic in the last several years regardless of protocol or approach, be that SOAP, REST or Hypermedia. Why contribute another post to the topic? My last post on avoiding breaking changes through better design led to conversations in the office and online about versioning.

@moonmaster9000 @robb1e @jaderubick you should version using a vendor string in the Accept header.

— David Celis (@davidcelis) May 16, 2013


I wanted to dig a little deeper into versioning and look at some of the different ways people are using versioning for their resources on the web.

Compatibility as version control

Mark Nottingham has written a lot of the subject of API versioning and it’s difficult to disagree with the high level arguments outlined in his API evolution post.

  • keep compatible changes out of names
  • avoid new major versions
  • makes changes backwards-compatible
  • think about forwards-compatibility

In another post Nottingham adds that we shouldn’t use a custom header for versioning and touches on versioning through the Accept header but there is a fundamental thread here: try as hard as possible to not introduce breaking changes so that versioning isn’t a big issue.

One of the issues to contend with when considering versioning is often building APIs requires more thought up front that an agile developer might be used to. URIs, Data structure, meta-data and extensibility are important and would be best considered up front. Once those decisions have been made changes to the structure often result in breaking older versions of the API. Anyone at an early stage of building an API would do well to put some thought into the API design and setting some rules for future consistency.

Accept header

The Twitter comment above pointed me towards using the Accept header as part of content negotiation and I found a number of blog posts covering the subject as well as some companies using this approach.

RFC4288 section 3.2 outlines how a vendor, i.e. an application, can make use of customisable MIME types in the Accept header. Steve Klabnik shows how an application can make use of this to include a version number as part of the Accept header used for content negotiation.

Looking at some concrete examples through the well documented Github API shows how the Accept header can be used with their services:

Accept: application/vnd.github[.version].param[+json]

curl -v -H 'Accept:application/vnd.example.v1+json' localhost:3000

The vnd part is the vendor definition as outlined in RFC4288. Let’s take a look at a number of options to make use of this header.

Parsing the Accept header

Within an application, headers can be inspected from a HTTP request. Extracting the version number would require some regular expression matching, something along the lines of the following in an application_controller perhaps:

def api_version
request.headers["Accept"][/^application/vnd.github.v(d)/, 1].to_i

Once the application has this version number it can decide how to behave for the response.

Registering the MIME type

An application could alternatively register a MIME type for each and use the respond_to blocks to decide how to render a response.

To register a MIME type in config/initializers/mime_types.rb

Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.github.com.v1+json", :json_v1
Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.github.com.v2+json", :json_v2

MIME types also allows parameters but would require registration for each one also:

Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.github.com+json; version=1", :json_v1
Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.github.com+json; version=2", :json_v2

So a controller could look something like the following and deal with the request appropriately.

posts = Api::Posts.all

respond_to do |format|
    format.json_v1 { posts.v1.as_json }
    format.json_v1 { posts.v2.as_json }

Version via a request parameter

The thing with the version in an Accept header is the URI is difficult to share. If I wanted to share the URI with version information with a college I would have to send instructions on what curl arguments to send to the server to get the right response. It’s can be as frustrating as trying to share a holiday on a website that renders pages based on what’s in the session for the individual. I would want to share a URI that someone can paste into a web browser address bar and see an appropriate response. Let’s compare the two approaches:

curl -v -H 'Accept:application/vnd.example.v1+json' localhost:3000


curl -v localhost:3000/?version=v1


curl -v localhost:3000/?version=20130603

Version number as a date

The Foursquare API allows clients to send a version as a date in the format yyyymmdd which conveniently is an always increasing number. When a client starts to use the API they can use that days date and the response will always be in that format. I like this concept as it removes the burden of having to know what endpoint to use or what version to send in a header. The client uses a known point in time and the response will always match if that is sent. If nothing is sent then the latest version of the resource is returned.

With this in mind, I wrote a very small gem to put this into practice to demonstrate how I thought this could be achieved which boils down to the following. Given a number (i.e. the version sent in the request) and a list of numbers (i.e. known versions with some change in an application), find the previous closest number in the list from the version number given. For example, if the date 20130101 is passed and the list contains two dates of 20130101 and 20130601, then 20130101 is returned.

def find_version_for version, list
    return list.last if version.nil?
    list.select { |i| i <= version }.last || list.first

Using the returned number, the server can decide how to render the response to the client as defined in my previous post.

Robustness principle

Jon Postel says “Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others“, so perhaps we could allow our clients to do both?

Perhaps using the Accept header makes you a better denizen of the Internet, adhering to HATEAOS principles but I think using a version request parameter makes for a better Web experience. As a developer, I want to be able to put a URI into a browser and see a response rendered and for that I’d lean more towards the version parameter.

This approach can be generalised across other information sent from a client to a server. Clients like web browsers send information in every request, and these should honored as the defaults. The information sent includes what language, data and encoding formats the client would like. Using request parameters can offer overrides and support compatibility between different types of clients who want to use an API and cool bookmarkable URIs.

About the Author

Robbie Clutton

Robbie Clutton is the Head of Pivotal Labs in EMEA.

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